DanDaLion Blog

Creating Intangibles

I have a new favourite word.


I only became aware of what this word means to Dandalion Friends through something Jackson Auld - one of Dan's life coaches mentioned to me recently.

There is a particular young man with diffability who is following what we do here at Dandalion Friends through Facebook and each morning he has a set check-list  to run through before he starts his day. Now, added to the daily  list of questions for his mother to tick off is this one - ' Is there a new Jacko video this morning?'.

If there is, he is excited by the prospect of viewing Jacko's contribution, No doubt he enjoys seeing his hero in the 'movies' and pretty sure his mother also loves that he has a new, positive focus to start his day. We cannot measure the impact this has on his life. It is an intangible.

At a personal level there is an intangible benefit I receive in meeting and sharing friendship and common goals with the many wonderful people who willingly help this organisation. I can't begin to measure the value this provides to my life.

Just by its' existence Dandalion Friends is no doubt creating many similar intangible moments of inspiration, joy and education in the community. It's just that we aren't aware of them and even if we were, we couldn't measure them!

Driven by this thought, our mane goal as an organisation should be to create communications and experiences that will deliver uplifting consequences that we may never be aware of. We want these intangibles to exist in the hearts and minds of those who enter the Dandalion Friends community, leaving inspired, or simply with a smile on their face, even if it is just for a day.

.......and so we continue our mission to invoke intangibles, by developing people, creating opportunities that surprise, and delivering moments that warm the heart.

Have you experienced a Dandalion intangible? We would love you to share your thoughts/experience  with our community on our Facebook wall. This will not only reinforce the value of our endeavours, it will just motivate us even more to create intangibles!! Look forward to your post!   


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